Saturday, November 20, 2010

PA, ENT, and pigs feet

AMSA at Weber State University has had some great meetings lately.

We had a physician's assistant from McKay-Dee Hospital come and speak to us about the how physicians and PAs work together. Also, she explained about who PAs were, their pros and cons, and compared them with other healthcare workers like nurse practitioners.
Some highlights from her message included that PAs in her office had great autonomy and while this varies from clinic to clinic it really depends on the doctor they work under and state laws. Some of the pros of being a PA include the ability to move around between specialties without needing extensive training (i.g. residencies). She also mentioned that she gets to focus more on the patients that she sees and doesn't have to worry about running the clinic or paying malpractice. However, she said that if she was in our shoes, as students, she would recommend us go all the way to medical school.

Also, Dr. Schuller an ENT doctor from the community spoke to us about getting in to medical school and the life of a ENT doctor. Dr. Schuller spent three years on the admissions board at Dartmouth where he went to medical school. He told us that all of us are unique and that we need to show that to medical schools, because when they go through a hundreds of applications they need something to remember us by. He also told us that coming from a small school like Weber State we are at a disadvantage and that we should rock to MCAT to displace any grade inflation due to WSU's small size.

Coming up next week we have the opportunity to learn some suturing techniques! Reps donated suturing equipment and the club is buying pigs feet from the market so that Professor Chung, M.D. can teach us some suturing techniques. It should be sweet, if you haven't signed up email us and we will see what we can do. Don't miss it this Wednesday 11-24!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

APPLYING Spring or Summer 2011

If you are planning to apply Spring or Summer of 2011 and did not make it to either of the MANDATORY APPLICANT MEETINGS you will need to contact Dr. Barbara Trask or set up an appointment as soon as possible. This is the beginning of the application process - DO NOT DELAY!!!

or e-mail DR. TRASK:



This Saturday Kaplan is offering a FREE practice MCAT on Weber State's campus. It will begin at 10:00am and is located in Lind Lecture 130. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

What it takes to be an ER physician

This last week we had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Croft. He is a local ER physician that gave us some pointers on the current changes in medicine and some advice on how to be a good physician. Dr. Croft was very optimistic about the use of technology in medicine, and worried about the increased debt load of new physician and the increase in malpractice suits. He also gave us some pros and cons about emergency medicine, noting that you must look at yourself and understand what you are good at to see if you are a good fit.

Finally, he gave some advice to anyone looking into medicine. 1) Must enjoy working with people, hard work, and be smart enough to handle the challenges of medicine. 2) He recommended getting a background in finance, business and accounting. 3) Be opened minded, with respect to your ultimate specialty choice. 4) Don't put off happiness for some arbitrary date. In other words, those that are happy now in life will be happy in the future. There is always something on the horizon, and we should not put off happiness till after we finish our undergraduate, medical school, residency, or whatever. Be happy now.